Anyway, here's the forwarded e-mail message that I got:
Work together for the good
"And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to His purpose for them" Romans 8:28
Every person goes through disappointments and things that don't seem to make sense and think, "Why did this happen to me?" "Why did my loved one not make it?" "Why did this person treat me wrong?" "Why did I get laid off?" I had a friend recently tell me how he lost his job after many years. He just didn't understand it. He said, I gave that company my best. I was always there on time. I was loyal. It's just not right."We have to understand that even though life is not always fair, God is fair. He promises that He will work all things together for our good. I believe the key word in today's verse is "together." In other words, don't just isolate one part of your life and say, "Well, this is not good." "It's not good that I got laid off." "It's not good that my loved one got sick." "It's not good that my relationship didn't work out." Yes, that's true, but that's just one part of your life. God can see the big picture. That disappointment is not the end. Your life doesn't stop because of one setback. That is simply one piece of your puzzle. There is another piece coming to connect it all because God promises to work all things together for your good. God bless you !
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